Wednesday, November 12, 2014


   What is an infographic? People have long asked that question and I am here to answer it. An infographic is an image that has pictures and text inside this image to help inform you of what they are selling or what they are talking about. They talk about what benefits of the item. They also have statistics of the topic. People have also asked about what infographics do. Infographics help inform and show you what the topic is about. Some of them can even inspire you to do something. Infographics sometimes tells you about medical diseases, virus, jobs, foods and much more. In order to make an infographic work you need to have images and text in your infographic. You also need to have statistics so you can inform the reader of what you are trying to say. You also need to make the infographic interesting so readers would like to look at it. A really good infographic is made by having good images and statistics. The info graphic has to be entertaining and informing to make it a good infographic.  

Visit this website to see this infographic more clearly and other infographics.


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